Kidnapping Cases :

Real Eye is one of the leading and reputable detective companies in Hyderabad and other cities within India. We have our own criteria to analysis a certain case based on the inputs provided by the clients.

This helps in deciding whether investigation on such a case whether would bear results. Whether anyone is kidnapped by someone or a gang, we take utmost care in solving the case. Whether the case is a personal or corporate assignment, we excel in providing the apt investigative services in locating them promptly.

If anyone is involved in some fraud in the company, we depute a team of investigators to search for that person. The search may be different in various aspects and sometimes may cross any border. We operate in almost all the major cities in India including Hyderabad and other all prominent cities.

Finding out the kidnappers

Kidnapping is either carried out by strangers or by a parent or by a close relative. Majorly the kidnapping cases are based on family-related, private reasons, professional rivalry, business competition, money extortion.

In those cases the offenders mostly kidnap children / elder and go to a secret place and demand some ransom in exchange of money. The classic child abduction is carried out by strangers. At Real Eye, our detectives have been working successfully in returning kidnapped persons for many years across the globe.

Tracing / Tracking

We point out and analyze the different options for your individual case. We have abundant know-how and the wealth of experience of our detective agency for the benefit of your cases. When confronted with the returning of a kidnapped person from the abducted place, we assess the situation over there and according, we trace it and nab the culprits behind the kidnapping of your loved ones.

We have excellent contacts, both within state and outside state which have proven to be extremely helpful in locating kidnapped persons. We provide immediate support in the returning of kidnapped persons.

Human Trafficking Cases

We recognize that the prompt and accurate identification of victims of trafficking is essential to the provision of appropriate care and support services. We ensure that our team of detectives is properly trained in all current and advanced investigation techniques. Our team identifies the victims of human trafficking.